Saturday, Unscripted Feature Christi Hille Saturday, Unscripted Feature Christi Hille


The documentary Natives (Eu Nativo) shows aspects of the indigenous lives in the north and northeast of Brazil. It is a sensitive reflection on native individuals, who rarely have the opportunity to talk about their emotions and sadness.

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Saturday, Narrative Feature Christi Hille Saturday, Narrative Feature Christi Hille

Tomorrow’s Game

Although Daniel de la Rosa comes from a family of baseball prestige, he has never appreciated the sport. But on the day of his Uncle's ascendance into the Hall of Fame as the first Dominican player in the league, Daniel is forced to embark on a journey through time that sees him (with the help of new friends) restore his family’s legacy and rewrite baseball history.

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Friday, Narrative Feature Christi Hille Friday, Narrative Feature Christi Hille

Sweet Disaster

Frida unexpectedly falls pregnant and Felix, the father of her child, breaks up with her to re-unite with his ex. Although some serious health problems caused by the late pregnancy force Frida to rest, she still tries to get Felix back, using methods which are absurd, exaggerated and sometimes hilarious.

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