2021 Hobnobben Film Festival Friday Schedule

October 15 - 17, 2021

 Friday: 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM • Embassy Theatre

From Hurdles to Triumph

From daydreaming about mountains, to feeling at home in the water, to finding your safe space through running or youth football, this block of short films shows the power of physical activity in finding one’s purpose. Three of the four films are by Indiana filmmakers about Hoosiers.

 Friday: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM • Embassy Theatre

Tough Topics: Family Edition

Sometimes family helps us through the tough times, and sometimes they create the tough times. This block of seven films explores individuals navigating some difficult family relationships. A father and son deal with a recent diagnosis, a woman grapples with her inheritance , an Iranian woman comes to terms with being a caregiver, and more.

 Friday: 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM • Embassy Theatre

Brought To You By: Quarantine

COVID – how sick are you of that word? These five films explore what many of us have experienced over the last year +. Sometimes the pandemic the pandemic makes you go stir crazy, and sometimes it helps you discover different sides of yourself, nine sides, perhaps. Int he end, we must all be thankful for strong independent connections. And pizza delivery.

 Friday: 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM • Embassy Theatre

Let’s Talk Menstruation

Periods. Menstruation. Vagina. Uterus. Tampons. Pads. Menstrual cup. None of these is a dirty word. Isn’t it time we ended the stigma surrounding menstruation? The Wound explores a young girl menstruating for the first time after an earthquake, while Bleeding Free follows Scottish students spreading awareness about period poverty.

 Friday: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM • Embassy Theatre

Move, Listen and Sing!

Sometimes you just need to get lost in the music and dance! There’s plenty of talent in this block of eight amazing shorts. And so much of it highlights plenty of local artists like The Legendary Train Hoppers, Fort Wayne Dance Collective, Rosalind & the WAy, Silbo Gomero, and a few new artists to add to your playlist.

 Friday: 6:00 PM - 9:45 PM • Embassy Theatre

Opening Reception, Awards Ceremony and Zola

Opening Night is presented by: Punch Films


Come hobnob. with fellow cinephiles in the theatre and lobby of the Embassy Theatre on Opening Night. It’s your chance to meet the filmmakers, pose for selfies, and nosh on some yummy appetizers (courtesy of Copper Spoon). Oh, and don’t forget the cash bar.

Awards Ceremony • 7:00 - 7:15 PM

Come see the announcement of the winners in each category.

Opening Night Film: Zola • 7:15 - 9:45 PM

"Y’all wanna hear a story about why me & this bitch here fell out? It’s kind of long but full of suspense.”

Thus began the odyssey of one A’Ziah King, aka ZOLA. From acclaimed writer/director Janicza Bravo, Zola's stranger than fiction saga, which she first told in a now iconic series of viral, uproarious tweets, comes to dazzling cinematic life.

Zola, a Detroit waitress, strikes up a new friendship with a customer, Stefani, who seduces her to join a weekend of dancing and partying in Florida. What at first seems like a glamorous trip full of “hoeism” rapidly transforms into a 48-hour journey involving a nameless pimp, an idiot boyfriend, some Tampa gangsters and other unexpected adventures in this wild, see-it-to-believe-it tale.


 Friday: 10:00 PM - 11:45 PM • Embassy Theatre

Live Passionately, Be Weird, Express Your Beautiful Self

Everyone’s journey to love themselves and realize their own true beauty is unique – just as these four shorts are unique in their approach to storytelling. After the films, stay for the LIVE BURLESQUE SHOW featuring the DisDress Dolls.